Shaded Tree

Trauma Coaching

Welcome! You have found a place of comfort and rest. A place to regroup and heal from past trauma. A place to unburden yourself from the overwhelming concerns of life. Find peace and healing.

Trauma Integration

Trauma is a reaction to an event that is overwhelming, shocking, or confusing. This trauma is stored in a unique way, different from day-to-day memories. These trauma memories have three parts to them; a physical part, an emotional part, and an intellectual or thought component.

The part of the brain that stores this trauma has the job to scan the environment for possible threats and when it notices anything that matches or loosely resembles a past trauma memory, the body and brain are hijacked into the past. When pulled back into the overwhelmed state of our past trauma, our emotions, actions, and body sensations don’t seem to match the situation. This body-mind-emotion hijacking is a trauma reaction.

The Trauma Integration process uses mindfulness to connect with unresolved trauma and to fully process the experience. It can then be incorporated into the self with compassion and understanding and placed with the day-to-day memories. The result can be freedom from the pain of unprocessed trauma and feelings of peace and self-acceptance.

Tiffany Shepherd

“Trauma creates changes you didn’t choose, healing is about creating changes that you do choose.”

—Michelle Rosenthal

“Prior to beginning Trauma Integration Therapy with Tiffany, I was unaware of the impact that my past traumas were having on my mental, emotional, and physical health. Working with Tiffany has helped me heal in a way I didn’t even know was possible. Not only has Tiffany allowed me to understand the impact of carrying these traumatic events, but more importantly, she has also helped me approach my past in a way that has freed me to live my fullest life moving forward. My capacity is greater, my joys are greater. Tiffany is an absolute gift!”

— Layla F.